Saturday, July 24, 2010

Skeletons in the Closet

There will always be things in life you just want to keep to yourself, but their comes a time when those skeletons are tired of hiding and they get so big and scary it's all you can do to not go run and hide. Their is nothing that is kept from heavenly father. He knows everything. He gave us that agency to make our own choices and he will be their to help us choose the right. Jesus Christ atoned for our sins so that we can seek repentance and be able to live with heavenly father again and not have to keep all those things hidden.
Today at Black Water was AMAZING!! It's so much fun to get together with all the crazy branch familys. Everyone brings their own personality and it just makes us one big happy family..floating down a river! I love the youth in the church I can honestly not tell them enough. Keeping me safely tucked away in my spiritual bubble is hard when the world comes beating down on you and makes you feel trapped but when you have friends and family around to protect you and want nothing more in life then for me to stay strong and hold onto the iron rod your not only in a spiritual bubble you are wrapped in spiritual armor.

Joshua 1:9
Be strong and of good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God will be with thee whithersoever though goest.

We have been given this scripture for a reason. This life is a test and compared to the plan of salvation the worlds happiness cannot even hold a light to eternal happiness. Trials are no easy feat to overcome, but if you stand strong and have faith in the lord Jesus Christ I bare my testimony to you that all things are possible with faith no matter how down and out you are, no matter how tough life gets heavenly father knows that pain and Jesus Christ went through that pain and they are here with loving arms waiting to engulf you in their love. It brings a smile to my face when I here people talking about loneliness and they hate being alone all the time. We are never alone as children of our heavenly father we will always have our heavenly father and that will never change. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ amen.

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